Lunch, dinner or a quick aperitif? Here is the complete list of restaurants in in erice.
To taste all the typical dishes of in erice, all you have to do is choose the right restaurant.
Click on one of the photos and view the details of your restaurant in in erice.
Despite the presence of the email on the card, we always recommend booking your restaurant in in erice by phone.
Porta Spada - 91016 Erice
Via G.F. Guarnotti, 17 91016 Erice (TP)
The restaurant “La Pentolaccia” was born in Erice, a typical medieval suburn in the province of Tapani, in 1968. The structure site inside an ancient convent built between the 1612 and the 1617. Up to ...
Viale Conte Agostino Pepoli, 53 - 91016 Erice
Monte San Giuliano
Vicolo S. Rocco, 7 - 91016 ERICE (TP)
Ristorante Fontanarossa
Ristorante Fontanarossa, strada provinciale 31, TP