Associations, local artists and citizens are trying in all ways, for months now, to save the Library Fardelliana and make it more rich of cultural events in thickness.
Just in the premises of this ancient and famous hotel, Saturday 4 and Sunday, Oct. 5 - III as part of National Day of Libraries-Bibliopride 2014, promoted by the Italian libraries across the country - will host the event called meet you.
An event which aims to promote the culture in our area, with meetings, exhibitions, performances that will involve artists and writers of all kinds. All this, just because there is a festival as rich and varied, suitable for all ages and areas of interest.
The event, which as anticipated - it´s worth repeating - is inserted in the program of III National Day of Libraries, born from the need to bring up the importance of the national library system for the economic, cultural and social whole country, wants to be a festival dedicated to the people, and especially to children. They, in fact, is the future, and can not be caught unprepared. In this regard, on the premises of the Library was set up a space fun and full of color, in which everyone can listen to reading aloud and become familiar with the wonderful world of books.
Poetry recitals, performances of the choir of the city of Trapani, theater performances, food and wine - because even the taste is part of the art and culture of our country - the design, with the exposure of sizable tables, classical music of Bellini, Mascagni and other important musicians, crafts with artifacts and jewelry in coral ... This and much more is IncontrARTI!
Among the many contributors and members of the project, it is good to recall some of the most important: Accademia di Belle Arti "Kandinsky" of Trapani, Ente Luglio Musicale Trapanese, Regional Coordination "Born to Read", Trapani Welcome, ASD "The Academy" School Musical and Performing Arts, Diocesan Library "G. B. Friend "of Trapani, Association Meetings, Association Le Stanze di Helicon Choir" Città di Trapani ", Sivisomnia; the legendary professor Renato Lo Schiavo, the writer Salvatore Mugno, the master corallaio Platimiro Fiorenza, Stefania La Via, and many other organizations, associations and co-workers. Last but not least to be congratulated the staff of the Library Fardelliana and the Bank of New Trapani.