Faber and Gaber. Rime of surnames which in itself constitutes a poem.
The songs of these two immense and the unforgettable artists will be part of an event that will be held on September 19 at 21:15 in the central and verdant Villa Margherita.
The music, especially the lesson, two songwriters who understand Italy, often with some sort of foresight, not merely to enter into the ears of fans and users press notes, but penetrating deeper, soul and in susceptibility to invite reflection, freedom, action and all´anticonformismo.
"A country told through its beauty and its ugliness in the month which marks the 26th year since the death of Mauro Rostagno, who was killed because he spoke to the world by telling the city", said the association Trapani Cambia, which has created an unmissable appointment.
An event in truth already proposed during "Scialo - Leggo, suono, parlo", the rally in support of the Library Fardelliana gasping.
The success achieved in that time has led the organizers to repeat the whole thing, choosing, as anticipated, to make it happen in the month which marks the 26th anniversary of the death of the sociologist and journalist Mauro Rostagno.
It is no coincidence, the peculiarity of the art of Fabrizio and Giorgio were, in analysis, similar to those of the courageous work of Rostagno - on which life and action was recently presented the book of Adriano Sofri "Mauro reacted with a smile."
The items will be Enzo Caputo and Clara Salvo, while the interpreters will be Michele Dell´Ultri on guitar, accordion Michele Enterprises, Alberto Fiorentino on bass, percussion Joseph Pizzolato, Antonella Scalia on the violin, Francesco Virgilio on drums.
The ticket price is 5 euro. "We decided to put a membership fee to the show - they specified by the -. Because the artists who will perform this show will do with their work. Because the work has its own dignity to protect and defend forever. Why participate in an event means also support the idea that the event aims to bring forward. Why the nice things they need us. All ".
For information and subscriptions please contact Maria Pia at 393 4517088 or 338 7239654 to Enzo.