Carnival in Favignana
Carnival in Favignana
Carnival in Favignana


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Carnival in Favignana


Written by Luca Sciacchitano -

From: 27/02/2014 - To: 04/03/2014
Place: favignana




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Favignana and Marettimo are ready for the official opening of the " All in the Mask 4.0" .
The Carnival Egadino became, for four years now, one of the most important events in the Trapani area .
The event will take place on the island of Favignana island of Marettimo from February 27 to March 4, 2014 . There will be days dedicated to art, parades , fun , tradition and gastronomy. It is a project as the title says is dedicated to all , dedicated to each age and born after listening to all associations, the construction of the floats , young, old ...
Before the official opening, since the morning of Thursday , will host a series of events related to the Carnival . To kick off the initiatives will be small egadini , that the schools of the island , at the proposal of the " GIM " will create a veritable parade in costume. The kindergarten will present in the Piazza " musical notes " ; elementary schools , however, have chosen the theme " Fairy tales " . Middle schools have decided to tell " The history of cinema in the last hundred years " ballet and choreography.
The program will always continue on Thursday at 18:30 with "Hot Dog Party " , then welcome Jimmy , the mascot of " All in the Mask ." The float raffled off for the parade on Thursday night in the yard will be " back to square one ," accompanied by a procession of about 400 people in masks . In Europe Square, at 20:30 , Jimmy arrives , at which the mayor of the Egadi , Joseph Pagoto , symbolically hand over the keys to the city for the official opening of the event.

Here is the schedule events :

" The Mask of the School ," Thursday, February 27, 2014 - 10:00 - Square Matrix. Starting at 10 am from the Elementary School of Favignana, Masquerade Party and parade of classes including " A. Rallo . " Square Dance Group from 10:15 am , games and entertainment .

"Hot Dog Party" , Thursday, February 27, 2014 - 18:30 - Europa Square . Waiting for the official opening of Carnival 2014 people present will have the opportunity to taste the hotdogs prepared directly in the Square.

Official Opening and Parade at night , Thursday, February 27, 2014 - 20:30 - Europa Square .
Out of the wagon and raffled from Piazzale Corleo start of the " All in Maschera 4th Edition ." The wagon will be accompanied by all the people who will participate in the parade on Sunday . Arrived in Europe Square, Gimmy , the mascot of the Carnival , as anticipated by the Mayor will receive the keys to the city , officially opening the event.

" The puppets of Carnival" , Friday, February 28, 2014 - 10:00 am - Piazza Europe.
All those who wish to participate will be able to achieve " The Puppet Carnival ." They can bring their jackets, trousers, shirts that do not use anymore , and with the help of animators puppets will be attacked in the streets of the country.

The Carnival of the smallest, Friday, February 28, 2014 - 15:30 - and Saturday, March 1, 2014 - 15:30 - in the marquee set up specially for the little ones , who will be entertained with dances and games. At the end will be rewarded the most beautiful mask . Guest of those two afternoons a protagonist of the cartoon most watched and loved by children : Peppa Pig .

"A sasizzata " , Friday, February 28, 2014 - 19:30 - Europa Square . During the evening , sandwich and sausage for everyone. Entertainment ballroom dancing by the musical group "The Friends ."
The parade of floats and Show , Sunday, March 2, 2014 - 15:00 - Square Matrix / Monday, March 3, 2014 - 15:00 - Square Matrix / Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 15:00 - Square Matrix.
Sunday and Tuesday parade of floats through the streets of the country starting from Piazzale Corleo , traveling with music thanks to the means of spreading aids placed on each wagon. Once in the square , the wagons will make your performance . On Monday however, the tanks will already be placed in the Piazza . At 15:30 starts the animation for all present.











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