Marettimo´s fishermen
Marettimo´s fishermen
Marettimo´s fishermen


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Marettimo´s fishermen


Written by Luca Sciacchitano -

From: 11/11/2013 - To: 15/11/2013
Place: trapani




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From Portugal to California to the icy waters of Alaska fishermen from the island of Marettimo have always known practice "the art of fishing." In a photographic exhibition, will be discussed in Trapani , from 11 to 15 November at Palazzo Riccio di Morana

The Association , Cultural , Sports , Recreation , Tourist " Marettimo " - with the support of the municipality of Favignana Egadi Islands and the Marine Protected Egadi Islands - presents the photo exhibition " FISHERMEN Marettimo / MARETTIMO FISHERMEN ´S " comes from the collection " Marettimo here and in the Sea . "

The exhibition will open on Monday, November 11, 2013 at 17:00 and will be on display until Friday 15 at Palazzo Riccio di Morana in Via Garibaldi seat of the Province of Trapani. In addition to the exhibition there will be opportunities for discussion on topics related to the sea, seafaring , fishing art of cooking fish .. and not only .
In 1993 the Association CSRT " Marettimo " , beginning in an exhibition of fishing gear used in the island entitled The Art of Fishing, taking its first steps towards the realization of a small museum . It ´s so that in 1999 , an ancient malaseno , warehouse for storage of salted fish , officially welcomed the Sea Museum , the Maritime Activities and traditions and Emigration Marettimo Island . A small reality in the heart of the town of Marettimo where the now obsolete fishing equipment , the old photos and important collection of memories left by journalists and writers tell the story of this courageous seafarers weaving evocative textures , memories of times distant and curiosity for life current .
One people , one of Marettimo , proficient in their own island but more experienced and daring when in distant lands , in some periods of the fisheries crisis , to continue to practice their art , they moved to North Africa to fish for sponges , Portugal to pursue the occupation of salting , California for fishing for anchovy and Alaska for the salmon . Not to mention the coral fishermen who continued to look for gold in the now exhausted red benches of the Strait of Sicily.
Among the teens and twenties of the twentieth century as the vessel Marettimo , the Aliotti Brothers , El Capitan, New Marettimo , Diana , Lina and many others belonging to Marettimo fishermen plying the waters of the California coast , giving rise to a memorable season sardine fishing . Within a few years the Monterey Bay fishing port became the first American and the mastery of our fishermen stood out even as it came to be born the first industries of canned fish, including the famous Cannery Row.
In the thirties , since increasing the demand for labor , assulu these men , because men alone without family, they were joined by their wives and children . From then until now the community of Marettimo in California, as well as in Portugal, continues to keep alive the link with Marettimo , with its history and its traditions .
Already in 1989, the photographic exhibition Here and beyond the Sea , also exhibited in Monterey in 1992 , had shown this extraordinary people making a perfect family album. Today, more photos and other faces marked by salt and melancholy smiles, still want to tell the sea and the life intimately linked to it .
The collection was expanded in 2005 to more photos , considered the oldest Marettimo made ​​with images of fishermen, found at St John´s College, Cambridge , made in 1894 by the English writer Samuel Butler in search of the places in Sicily ´ Odyssey and Ithaca / Marettimo and recovered thanks to the study of the historical Renato Lo Schiavo . More photos that have been added are those d ´ of the early twentieth century collection of Dr. Benedict Giacalone and photos of Emilio Milana made ​​in the 60s.
Marettimo October 29, 2013











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