Christmas program in Trapani
Christmas program in Trapani
Christmas program in Trapani


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Christmas program in Trapani


Written by Luca Sciacchitano -



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The Christmas market and a series of cultural and entertainment side of the Casina delle Palme, musical parades through the streets of the historic center, children's entertainment at the Villa Margherita Villa Pepoli operetta and an invitation to the Senatorial Palace Cavarretta, animation in villages and neighborhoods, a live nativity scene at Square Fish Market in the care of Social Services.

These are the initiatives under the program "Christmas in .... City", promoted by all 'Cultural Identity and Promotion of the municipality and by the Department for protection of family solidarity and support.

From December 18 to 23 at the House of the Palm will be home to the Christmas market. The inauguration will be held Saturday, December 18th at 21:00 with a jazz concert "Street Latin Jazz Group."
At the Casina delle Palme, edited by the Strada del Vino Erice Doc, the stands of exhibitors of typical Trapani and food will be dedicated to Christmas traditions. In addition to oil DOP Valli Trapanesi, dell'Erica DOC wines, Sea Salt of Trapani, in tuna products, cheese of Valle del Belice, Erice handmade pasta, canned products and beekeeping, will be set up booth with baked goods and hot homemade panettone and with all the typical Christmas items (accessories, Christmas items, gifts, decoupage, etc.).. To enliven the evenings of the Christmas market has been programmed musical and cultural events, produced in collaboration with the Foundation Easter 2000. Every day from 16:00 to midnight and tasting samples of mulled wine, local produce and fruit kebabs drowned in chocolate fountains. Within the events is also a social initiative: the Casina delle Palme Trapani fact will be distributed to young people a guide on responsible consumption of alcohol, entitled "No to the high - is to taste as a source of sensory pleasure," published by the Association Strada del Vino Erice Doc and the Lions Club District 108 Yb Trapani.

Sunday, December 19 at Square Fish Market will set up a nativity scene by the Office for the Protection of family solidarity and support. At 21.00 the House of the Palm Group Elisso Ensemble will hold a Christmas concert for strings and percussion.

Monday, December 20 in Old Town will perform the "Brass soul."

Tuesday, December 21 at 19.00 at the Palm House of the concert, "Christmas in jazz" House of 9.

Wednesday, December 22 at 19:30 will be held at Palazzo Cavarretta Christmas concert of sacred music choral group Jacopone Association, at 21.30, again Cavarretta Palace, a concert of the "Missa syllable of Arvo Part, by the choir of Sacred Music Gregorian.

Thursday, December 23 at 18.00 Christmas parade in the old city of Banda Band Christmas parcels.

Friday, December 24 at 18.30 to 20.00 in the historical center's "Brass soul."

Tuesday, December 28 at 18.00 at Palazzo Cavarretta invitation to the operetta, by the Ente Luglio Musicale Trapanese.

Thursday, December 30th from 18:00 to 21:00 at Palazzo Cavarretta "Youth and Music", with a concert harp and vocals "The Wings of Music" (Adrian and Francesco Nicolosi Vultaggio), a concert of flutes "The flute player," a concert guitar arrangements of love "(Alberto Arce).

The New Year's Eve (December 31) from 23 to Palazzo Cavarretta "Waiting for the new year" with the extra-large.

Sunday, January 2 at 18:30 at the Church College of New Year's Concert of chamber orchestra "The Dominator".

Thursday, January 6 at 17.00 at the Brown Theatre Tito "The Epiphany of the Police."

From December 20 to 24 from 18.00 to 20.00 on a Fardella Santa Claus will be touring with "The Magic of Christmas." At the same time you can take a ride in the historic center with the train for Christmas.

Villa Margherita Villa Pepoli and theater will be from December 19 to January 6, shows and entertainment for children and their families. The program includes Villa Pepoli animation from 16.00 to 18.00 on Sunday, December 19, Tuesday, December 21, Thursday, December 23, Villa Margherita, performances will take place, again from 16:00 to 18:00, Monday, December 20, Wednesday, December 22, Friday, December 24, Sunday, January 2, Thursday, Jan. 6.

Under "Christmas in the villages," Saturday, December 18 from 16.00 per Marausa there will be a train of Christmas Sunday, December 19 from 9.20 to 12.00 on Christmas train will pass through the villages of Salinagrande, Palma, Pietretagliate. At 18.00 a Christmas animation Locogrande organized by "Red Noses". Tuesday, December 21 at 16.00 in Guarrato animation Christmas organized by "Red Noses" and the Christmas train. Wednesday, December 22 at 16:00 Christmas animation with the association to red noses Mokarta / Milo, Thursday, December 23 at 10.00 Fulgatore animated train and Christmas Christmas, Christmas animations to Ummar 16.00. Sunday, December 26 at 10.00 Xitta animated Christmas train and Christmas. Sunday, January 5 animated train and Christmas in the village of Palma.

Under "Christmas in the quarters" in the district Friday, December 24 Christmas St. Albert animation by the Association Nasi Rossi at Villa Rosina, 16.00 Christmas animation. Sunday, December 26 at 10:00 at the District Cappuccinelle Christmas animation.












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